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Have you gone through PDO threads? If your answer is yes, you will feel good about the changes it made in your body. The Nova PDO threads are known to reduce the indications of aging on your face and body, enhance your appearance, and restore your confidence.

But, are you aware of the possible risk of this therapy? Especially when it is inserted into a previous silicone face? If not, this might be the best time to understand how things work. 

Method Aesthetics Scottsdale will help you identify the Nova PDO thread’s good and negative factors in this post. There’s nothing else to worry about as our doctors here are skilled experts in their field. That means you’re in good hands! 

Stay tuned with us here in this post to learn more details about this matter. 

Nova PDO Threads at Method Aesthetics Scottsdale

In Method Aesthetics Scottsdale, the NOVA PDO threads move the underlying tissues, smooth and soften the skin, and stimulate collagen production. Threads raise sagging skin on numerous body areas, resulting in thicker, less wrinkled, and softer skin. Additionally, it lifts and shapes the face.

What Nova PDO threads are

NOVA PDO threads consist of complex sugars or polydioxanone. These threads are thinner than hair and medical-grade threads used by surgeons for sutures for decades. These instruments are FDA-approved for minimally invasive operations, such as soft tissue approximation.

This treatment can be used in different body parts to help tighten sagging skin and lessen the appearance of cellulite dimples. These threads can be repeated as frequently as every six weeks; however, numerous sessions are typically necessary to obtain the desired tightening result.

Tiny and thin needles inject NOVA PDO threads into your skin. In addition to pulling and tightening the skin, threads provide a network of support to retain the skin in place. This procedure of tightening and lifting yields the following results:

  • A slimming effect
  • Skin tightening and lifting
  • Sculpted and contoured physique
  • Cellular rejuvenation, Collagen synthesis

How long does the Nova PDO thread last?

Depending on the method performed, NOVA PDO threads can last up to 18 months in some patients. 

PDO threads will dissolve in around 90 days, leaving a collagen growth response. The best benefits will be reached gradually over six weeks. PDO thread lifting operations can be performed as early as six months after the initial procedure. 

PDO threads are safe and non-invasive, and the treatment takes between 15 and 45 minutes, depending on the treated area. Within a few hours, you can go back to regular activities.

If you’re worried, you can directly contact us today here at Method Aesthetics Scottsdale. We can schedule an appointment online to discover how NOVA PDO Threads may help you look as fabulous as you feel.

Possible Risk

In any kind of treatment, there’s always a risk. There has to be a risk. But what can Nova or PDO threads cause when inserted into previous silicone in the face? Or in general, what chance can you gain from having this treatment? Let’s try to discover it below. 

One of the most common complaints and “complications” mentioned by patients is discomfort and pain. Although less invasive, thread lift techniques can be rather painful.


In rare instances, a patient may develop a hepatoma if a practitioner accidentally injures or damages the wall of a blood vessel, allowing blood to move into the surrounding tissue during a procedure. 

If a deep facial nerve is injured during the treatment, permanent immobility may result in rare instances. Hematoma and permanent immobility are highly uncommon but not unheard of.


Infection is another potential problem that may emerge from a thread lift operation. Despite its rarity, infection connected with the process is possible.

Bruising, Swelling, and Pain

Although it is one of the minor intrusive procedures available today, patients may have bruising, swelling, and pain following the operation. 

Even if it is not the most frequently reported complication, it is one of the most common. However, most evaluations and research have chosen not to classify discomfort, pain, bruising, swelling, and agony as consequences.

Patient Dissatisfaction

Similar to the classification of discomfort, pain, swelling, and soreness, some research does not classify patient dissatisfaction as a complication, as it is frequently related to the disparity between patients’ expectations and actual results.

Protrusion, Extrusion, and Migration of Threads

If they occur, protrusion, extrusion, and migration of threads are more frequently than not the result of weak thread barbs or when an inserted thread overlaps an area of vigorous animation.

Dimples and Irregularities

Dimples and irregularities are possible after a procedure. One of the most prevalent locations is in the subcutaneous tissue of a “sunken cheek” and/or the oral angle regions where excessive facial expressions/movements may occur.

Facial Asymmetries 

Facial asymmetries are yet another potential problem associated with a thread lift. Face asymmetry can be produced by several circumstances, including anesthesia, natural facial asymmetry, and/or insufficient lift on one side.

Maximizing the effectiveness of your thread lift

Due to the low risk and fast recovery time associated with thread lifts, it is possible to combine them with other non-surgical procedures for more detailed, noticeable results. 

For instance, Ultherapy employs modest ultrasound energy pulses to heat the subcutaneous connective tissues, thereby increasing collagen formation. Ultherapy frequently referred to as a non-surgical facelift, is safe enough to be given to almost any part of the face and neck. 

Combining this operation with a thread lift can enhance the skin firming and achieve a more uniform lifting effect by treating the neck. Although thread lifts can efficiently tighten the skin, they are not intended to treat superficial flaws. 

Therefore, skin resurfacing will be required to eliminate the surface indications of aging, such as age spots, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines. 

During skin resurfacing, the uppermost layer of the dermis is eliminated, removing the flaws above. A new, more youthful-appearing skin layer then forms in its place.

By combining various non-surgical anti-aging treatments, patients can make a profoundly favorable change in their look — without having to endure the lengthy recovery time associated with surgery.

So with these possible solutions, it’s possible to overcome the negative thoughts and risk for Nova PDO thread lift. But to be sure, consult now with an expert to evaluate your condition. 

You can contact us here at Method Aesthetic Scottsdale for more details. We can’t wait to see you and help you achieve your goals! 

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