Personalized Treatment Plan SCOTTSDALE, AZ


At Method Aesthetics, we can help you develop the cosmetic treatment plan that leads to your most confident self. During a comprehensive, free consultation, you’ll learn more about the exact treatments, products, and technologies that can help you transform your look and feel like your best self – complete with a treatment schedule, expected results, estimated cost, and more. We recommend this option as the best way to get started and explore the many possibilities of professional aesthetics.

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Your personalized treatment plan developed by our aesthetics experts will include:

  • A thorough discussion of your goals, questions, and concerns so you understand your options
  • A customized treatment plan
  • Tentative appointment slots and treatment schedule
  • Total cost estimate
  • Payment plan options
  • Monthly autopay options


Schedule an Appointment

Not sure where to start? Meet with our team for a complimentary consultation and to learn more about the best options for your goals. Call Method Aesthetics today or book online to get started.


